Sunday, November 6, 2011

Four long years

Exciting, exciting news, everyone.
As of 10pm Friday night I have FINISHED my degree!! I submitted my last assignment (but not after a LOT of tears on Friday) and study is OVER!

It is such a bizarre feeling, waking up on a weekend and not having study to do. It's going to be even more bizarre coming home from work tomorrow and realising I don't have to spend the night studying. I already feel much more relaxed. Today I don't even know what I did! I spent part of the day making frankens (and came up with a gorgeous red jelly with glitter and hexes that I love) and reading blogs.

I'm going to take advantage of this extra time by doing more complicated nail art and frankening more. I have a tonne of untinted lacquer base, polish tints, glitter, flakies and hexes to play around with and I can't wait to show you some of my creations!

To my fellow nail bloggers who still have a few weeks of uni to go: hang in there!



  1. Woo congratulations!! I'll bet that feels good :) I still have a few years to go.

  2. Thanks, Julia :D It feels amazing. I still keep forgetting!!!! You'll get there and it will be so worth it!

  3. Congrats, Em! I'll be done with my undergrad studies by spring (: Still have pharmacy school though! >____<
    I look forward to your frankens and nail art :D

  4. Thanks :D Urgh, how long will pharmacy school take!? It'll be worth it in the end!!
