I finally received my Ozsale order the other day. I’m not sure if I’m going to be ordering from them again, to be honest. While they have good prices, these took forever to get to me. They do warn you that items won’t be despatched until after the sale closes, but these took about five weeks to get to me from only a couple of states east from where I am. Not impressed! They ran out of one Bloom polish so they’re meant to be refunding it. I’ll have to keep an eye on that!
Anyway, onto the haul:

Adelaide, Sydney and Cairo.

Vienna, Antwerp, Tel Aviv and Bianca.

A four way buffing block. I’ve already used it and I must say, I’m really impressed!

Ocean Breeze, Galaxy, Perplex, Rock and Grape Icy. I’m so annoyed! I bought a mini Revlon three pack the other week and there is a purple in it called “Rock Star”. You guessed it, it’s the same as “Rock”!!! Gerrrr!

This is Galaxy up close. What a pretty, pretty polish. Can’t wait to layer this over a nice dark polish.
I also received my order of the Color Club Foiled collection. Before I show you them, look how the lady I bought them from wrapped them:

Isn’t that ADORABLE?! It’s the little things, people.
Anyway, here’s the foily goodness:

Wheeee!!!! I’m sooo excited about these! I probably should have shaken these up a little before the photos but you get the idea!
And finally, I got my giveaway prize from Julia’s giveaway: three PiCture pOlish nail polishes! I even got to choose the colours
Here’s what I chose:

When I opened these, I just stared. How beautiful are these colours?! I love everything about them. I love the colours, the bottles, the rubber tops, the font on the label (I’ve done graphic design at uni so I’m alllll about the fonts!)
They just look amazing. The three colours look so stunning next to each other too. I wonder if I did that subconsciously?
I’m sorry I’m gushing about these polishes, but they are just sooo pretty.
Alright, I’ll stop now … until I try them 
And that is it for hauling for at least October! I’m thinking it will stretch well into November too. I currently have 119 untried polishes, and I need to get through some of those before I buy any more!
How many untrieds do you have?