Ahoy there, maties!
Haha oh so lame, I’m posting Ahoy! by China Glaze. Get it? Haha. Wow, I’m tired.
I’ve been such a bad blogger lately… I’ve got heaps of photos edited and ready to go on my computer but have had no time to actually sit and write blog posts! Well, time to get back into the swing of things!!
My nails are a wreck lately because of moving house twice in a month and from expanding my massage business. Why from expanding my massage business, you ask? Well, although I use oil (mostly coconut oil which is amazing for your skin, nails, hair, just about anything!), I wash my hands twice for each client. Once before, once after. So if I’m doing four clients in a row, that means washing my hands eight times in about a five hour period. I use the anti-bacterial hand soap so it’s very drying on my cuticles. Urgh. Time to slather my hands in coconut oil and wear cotton gloves to bed, I think.
Anyway, enough of my incoherent babbling. Today I have for you a polish I lusted after for a long time and finally bought when it was cheap on Ozsale. This is China Glaze Ahoy!:

Eh. Don’t get me wrong, this is a gorgeous polish but from the photos I’d seen of it, I expected more. It’s a beautiful colour but it was just lacking something for me.
Anyway, this was two coats. Great formula, excellent wear. No issues there!
I jazzed it up a little with some stamping:

Again, meh. Maybe I was just hard to impress that day
What do you think?